Mac and Cheese 1: Vanier

Hey guys, it’s lovebeingkatie ❤

This is NOT a blog about my favorite food.

Just to make it clear, my favorite food is PASTA, mac and cheese is just a subcategory of pasta.

But yes, this is a blog about mac and cheese. So, lets dive right in.

This is going to be a series of blogs about Mac and Cheese on campus because I probably have tried most if not all the mac and cheeses at UBC.

I recently just had the mac and cheese at place vanier dining hall. TODAY, it was good. Last month, it was bad. Honestly, I can’t give a real review on the mac and cheese at Vanier because it is literally different every day. I do recommend the mac and cheese burger at Vanier though. It’s good no matter what type of mac and cheese its serving that day.

Ok, so the one today was good and spicy. Oh, I forgot to mention that the mac and cheese at Vanier is Jalepeño mac and cheese so yes, it’s supposed to be spicy. This one wasn’t too salty and didn’t lack much flavor, so yes today’s was pretty good. (my favorite Vanier mac and cheese though was one time when I had it in my burger and I liked the pasta more than the burger)

I’d give this one a 6/10

Anyways, the mac and cheese isn’t always good at Vanier, oh no, let me tell you about a few months ago mac and cheese.

It was a sunny day out and reading break was just around the corner. I’ve never had the mac and cheese side at Vanier so I decided to get it this time cause I was craving mac and cheese (well I always am). The one I got was very liquidy and very, very salty. For me, that is not good mac and cheese, maybe for other people it was good, but not for me. I really needed water after that because of the saltiness.

This ones a 3/10

Hm, I realized it’s so much easier to complain about the mac and cheese than to write about how good it is cause there’s not much to write about. “It was good food”, the end. Maybe that’s why critics are so mean or even just youtube comments. Speaking of, I might make vlogs and post it on this blog. I have footage, I just never have time to edit it (or i’m too lazy).


I forgot to take pictures of the mac and cheese at Vanier so I randomly searched “Mac and Cheese Vanier” on google, and trust me, it doesn’t look this good. (also disclaimer: i’m pretty sure this is a picture of totem park mac and cheese)

Alright, that’s it for today.

Next up, mac and cheese at Perugia (since I’ve been there so I don’t have to make another trip).

Watch out for my 10/10 mac and cheese place at UBC! (again, you’re all friends so you probably already know)

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